The Graduate School

Limited Submission Opportunities

From time to time, a funding opportunity may arise that limits the number of proposals that a single institution may submit. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) attempts to identify all limited submission opportunities of interest to the University community and coordinates the submission process with the colleges. A number of opportunities are announced in the table below and through OSP’s funding listserv, although this list should not be considered exhaustive.

To administratively manage limited competitions, Montclair/OSP uses the industry leading web-based system InfoReady. When a limited submission opportunity is announced, OSP will launch a corresponding internal limited submission application in InfoReady that can be accessed on the InfoReady home page. The application is begun by clicking on the opportunity hyperlink on the home page, and then clicking on the “Submit” button and logging in with your University Net ID.

Interested applicants are advised to read OSP’s Guidance Document on Limited Submission Opportunities and not to begin work on proposals until notified that the review process has been completed.