Employee Handbook
- University Facilities Employee Handbook Updated 2020
Environmental Health and Safety Policies and Procedures
- Asbestos Awareness
- NJDEP – Guidance Document for the Management of Asbestos-containing Material (ACM)
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- Control of Hazardous Energy (LOTO) Policy
- Environmental Management Guide for Small Laboratories
- Department of the Treasury Circular Letter # 00-17-DPP (PC-39-1A)
- Policy and Procedures for Computer and Peripheral Recycling and Disposal
- Hazard Communication/ NJ RIGHT TO KNOW (under revision)
- Hazardous Waste Storage to Disposal
- Hazardous Materials Spill Incident & Emergency Response
- Mold Remediation Informational Flyer
- Mold Remediation Procedure
- Radiation Safety
- Sewage Overflow Emergency Response Procedures
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Updated March 22, 2023
Fire Safety Policies
Fleet Services Policies
Facilities Human Resources Policies and Procedures