Parking Information for Visitors

All guests and parents wishing to visit the campus for non-academic purposes, must pay to park by the hour. All pricing for parking options are listed under the Parking Rates and Fees page. We offer parking options for visitors:

Day Time Visitor
  • Parking in metered spaces in Lot 19
    • Only in the metered Spaces. Use Paybyphone Code: 4038
  • Using the Paybyphone app to park by the hour in Commuter Surface Lots (listed Below) andCar Parc Diem
    • Lots: 21, 22, 23N, 24, 26, 27, 28, 28S, 29, 41, 45, 47, 48, 60, 60N.
    • Use Paybyphone Code: 4040
  • Pay the hourly rate in the Red Hawk Garage
    • Paid upon exiting the garage
  • Pay the daily rate in the NJ Transit Garage
Night Time Visitor
  • Parking in metered spaces in Lot 19
    • Only in the metered Spaces. Use Paybyphone Code: 4038
  • Using the Paybyphone app to park by the hour in Commuter Surface Lots andCar Parc Diem
    • Lots: 21, 22, 23N, 24, 26, 27, 28, 28S, 29, 41, 45, 47, 48, 60, 60N.
    • Use Paybyphone Code: 4040
Where Can I Park?

The designated lots can be viewed on Montclair State University’s Parking Map.

Use the Parking Logix Parker Mobile App to find see which parking spaces are currently available.

How do I Pay?

If in a commuter lot or Car Parc Diem, you can use the Paybyphone app to park by the hour in the lot numbers mentioned above. Download the app, and type in the proper code for the designated parking area. If parking in the Red Hawk Deck, you will pay by either cash or card when leaving the garage.

  • Where can I park?
  • In the Red Hawk Deck, Lot #19 Metered Spaces and Commuter Lots and Car Parc Diem (Paybyphone). See Paybyphone rates for location Code and fee.
  • What are the parking rates for Red Hawk Garage, Commuter Lots and Car Parc Diem?
  • What are the procedures for accessible parking?
    • Anyone that has been issued a state-issued hang tag or license plate through their local municipality/township may park in any accessible parking space in any lot or deck on campus. A parking permit or payment using paybyphone is required along with the accessible hang tag/plate. MSU Parking Services does not issue accessible parking permits.
  • What if I can’t find a parking spot?
    • General parking near the core of campus including Car Parc Diem tends to fill up the fastest. If you are arriving on campus between 10 am and 1 pm Monday-Friday, the fastest option for getting to class is to park in Lot 45 or 60 and ride our free shuttle to the core of campus. Lots 45 and 60 tend to always have an abundant number of available spaces, even during peak times.
  • I got a ticket, what do I do now?
    • Tickets (citations) should be paid or appealed online through our Portal. Appeals must be made within twenty-one (21) days of the date the ticket is issued. Get more information in the Parking Regulations.
  • How can I avoid a ticket?
    • Adhering to the regulations is the best way to avoid receiving a citation. When utilizing Paybyphone, make sure all information is entered accurately before walking away from your vehicle.

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